Tuesday, March 27, 2012

New Hosta Bed: Part 1

Ralph and I spent this past Sunday playing in the dirt.  Remember when you were a kid making mud pies and coming home covered in dirt from head to toe?  Ahh, those were the good old days.  Gardening, for me, brings back those old feelings of being a kid, which is partly why I enjoy it so much.  It is just the best feeling to have your hands in the dirt and be accomplishing something with your own hard work.  Everything smells so fresh and it's very instantaneously gratifying.  It's the miracle of life in your hands.  I can't imagine anything more amazing or wonderful than a tiny little seed growing into a beautiful flower with nothing more than sunlight, water, and some healthy dirt. 

But the best part is that it is something that my husband and I enjoy doing together and that alone makes it worth doing.  So on Sunday, we created a new garden bed on the empty side of our house.  I needed a place to transplant my "Hosta" plants since they were getting too much sun in their present spot in my front flower beds.  This is the shady side of the house so I am hoping they'll do better here.  We dug out a section of ground for the bed, pulled out many many annoying rocks, and added some bags of topsoil and soil amendments (cow manure & peat) and then transplanted the hostas.  Trust me, it was a lot more fun than it sounds!

So here are photos of the newly completed Hosta Garden!  I will post more photos as they grow to show how the bed will (hopefully) fill in throughout the summer.


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