Thursday, April 5, 2012

Where In The World Wednesday...

Coming to you from Thursday because our Internet was down yesterday.  It's amazing how accustomed to technology we are.  At the prospect of not having Internet, I was completely panicked!  How will I find out anything?  How will I pay bills?  How will I live?  You can take away my television or my phone, but just please don't take away my Internet!!

Anyway...Here is my new idea for a regular post "Where In The World Wednesday".  And by "world" I am, of course, referring to the best world of them all...Walt Disney World.  My all-time favorite vacation spot and daily obsession.  Here are some pictures from a specific location in "The World" that Ralph and I visited on our last trip.  Try and guess where it is and next week I will reveal the location.  Ready?  Here we go!

Here's Ralph in our mystery location.

And here I am!  Smiling with anticipation because I am in one of
my favorite spots, getting ready to do one of my favorite things.
(though my chin looks like a butt because of the shadow) 
Here is the view out the window from our location
(and a poor unsuspecting man who is now captured on film forever).
You should be able to find some clues in this photo. 
This is a good clue! Ralph with one of his favorite things, a cheese sampler. 
(He is annoyed that I am insisting on taking this picture when he wants to eat his cheese.)
There you have it!  Check back next week and I'll let you know if your guess was correct!


  1. Getting between me and cheese is like getting between a mother bear and her cub.

  2. Is it France in Epcot?! The cheese looks like brie...
