Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Where In The World Wednesday!

Hello fellow Disneyphiles!  Last week's mystery location was probably fairly obvious to most "World" travelers.  But it gave me an excuse to share all of my great photos from one of my favorite Walt Disney World Attractions!  That's right, its...

It's "Kilimanjaro Safaris" in Animal Kingdom!  The closest thing to a real safari outside of Africa!  An absolute must-do when at Walt Disney World, you board a safari style jeep and travel through a 100 acre African Savannah!  Lions, elephants, giraffes...oh my!!  Many more amazing animals await you on this adventure, so make sure you don't forget your camera!  I've heard that the best time to ride is around 2-3pm, when the animals are getting ready to be brought into the barns for night.  But Ralph and I have always had great luck (as you can see from my photos) riding first thing in the morning as soon as the park opens for the day (especially with morning magic hours)!
Check out this video from one of our Kilimanjaro Safari experiences...

Are you ready for this week's mystery location?  I think it's time for an intermediate one, so put on your Mickey Ear thinking caps!

Look at this amazing building in our mystery location!

This quaint street scene is also in our mystery location.

Ralph found this stunner (or should I say stinker) in our mystery location.

Not to be outdone, I found this awesomely ferocious coon hat. 

It's almost hard to believe this gorgeous man-made wonder is also found in our mystery location
...ahh, the magic of Disney!

How would you like to take an afternoon stroll here?  You can in this week's mystery location!

Think you got it?  You'll have to wait til next week to find out for sure!!  Ta Ta For Now!

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