Thursday, November 24, 2011

Whose Prints Are These???

All right guys and gals, it's time to play..."Whose Prints Are These?"!  Here are some clues...
1)  They weren't on the deck when I went to bed last night, but they were there this morning.
2)  They weren't made by me or Ralph or Remy.
3)  There were seed shells on the deck from our bird feeders.

Lots of mystery prints!
Daaa duh...daaaa duh...daaa duh, duh, duh, duh.....
Front and back paws!

The big mama!

And the answer is...drum roll please...right after these messages from our sponsers!  Just kidding!!...............................................

Who Me??


Yep, that looks about right.

Aw shucks, I just wanted some Thanksgiving dinner!

Happy Thanksgiving!!! 

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