Sunday, December 4, 2011

The University Of Scranton's Holiday Vendor Fair 2011 - A Success!

This past Thursday, December 1st, I had my annual table at "The University of Scranton's Holiday Vendor Fair.  This is the fourth year I've been a part of this craft show, and I have to say, this was definitely the best year yet!  Not only did I have record sales but I had the most fun there I've ever had.  I got to meet a bunch of really nice new people and visit with some of my favorite customers, and my "neighbor" at the table next to me turned out to be a really nice woman who sells amazing hand-knit scarves (and naturally, I ended up picking one out for myself as a Christmas present...hey, I've got to support the fellow hand-made artisans out there!)  So all and all, it was a really big success.  Every year I get really nervous and anxious and stress about all the details that don't even matter before the show, and every year everything turns out fine and I end up having a ton of fun.  So I'd like to say that I'll learn from this and next year I won't worry about anything, but seeing as this is my fourth year...I'm thinking that is wishful thinking.  

I do want to say a huge thank you to all of the customers who purchased some jewelry or just stopped by to say hello!  Even though no one really reads this blog, on the off chance that someone does I will say, thank you for giving me the opportunity to do something I am really passionate about.  And a HUGE THANK YOU to my wonderful husband (who is actually reading this...yay, thanks hun!) for coming with me every one of these 4 years and putting up with my stress and anxiety beforehand!  You are the best and I love you!

I took some photos of my table before the fair started, so I thought I would share them here...

The full table- turned out pretty good if I do say so myself!

Close Up of the left side!

Close Up of the right side!

Center of the table!

"Demeter" styles...sold 2 sets of
the "bronze" color!

Brand New "Zelda" style -
best seller overall!

"Astrea", "Ella" & "Isis" styles

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