Saturday, October 29, 2011

And So A Blog Was Born

So the other day I was thinking..."I really enjoy writing.  Maybe I should start a blog."  And then I spent every hour of the past week trying to coming up with a catchy name.  I thought about names at work.  I thought about names in the shower (that's where I do my best thinking).  I thought about names at 3:24 am when I got up to pee.  I thought about names as if my blog was a ticking time bomb and the name was the code to disable it!  At one point I was debating between titles involving unicorns (which the husband instantly vetoed) vs. titles involving the various ridiculous nicknames I have for my cat.   

And then I realized...realistically, there are probably only going to be two people reading this thing (hello husband, hello mother).  So who the hell cares, I'll just make it something that amuses me.  And so a blog was born.

Who came up with the word, "blog", anyways?  It sounds like/rhymes with "log".  Which makes me think of "log legs".  Which was the terrible nickname my friends and I gave to the bitchy blonde bimbo in our college major who had an unfortunate case of cankle (I know it sounds mean, but she deserved it.  Really).  Hmm...did I really just google "cankle" to check spelling?  Good thing too cuz it's with a "C" and not a "K".

So this has been enjoyable.  I can think of much less fun things to do in the middle of a Nor'easter on a Saturday in October.  Did I just google spell check "nor'easter"?  You bet I did...who knew there was an apostrophe in there?    

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